Friday, November 13, 2009

Germs, Germs Everywhere

Over the past two days, I've battled the flu. Luckily, it was the good ole 24 hour flu, not H1N1, but still...felt pretty darn lousy yesterday. While not feeling well, I wouldn't let the kids climb on me and kept telling Drew that I was sick. So naturally, as any 3 year old would do, he kept asking "why are you sick?" and "How did you get sick?"

So while picking him up from daycare today, he asked again "why are you sick?" I decided that this is a perfect opportunity to give a little education about GERMS!

So I told him that I got germs and that this is why we wash our hands before eating - to get rid of germs because we don't want to get sick. (See, just trying to reinforce the necessity of hygiene.) So like a good 3 year old, he asks "why didn't you wash your hands?" And a woman who washes her hands quite a bit, I was taken aback. (I mean, who wants to be accused of not washing their hands???)

So I respond that there are a lot of ways to get germs. Some one could have coughed on me and that's why we cover our mouths when we cough...because coughing on other people can put germs on them. (Again, trying to tie the reasoning into why I nag him to cover his mouth.) And once again, he says, "Why did someone cough on you?"

Gotta love a 3-year olds sense of logic.

Luckily he decided to stop asking questions once I told him how germy the toilet is. I can only imagine how he would have followed that one up.

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