Yep, Maryanne delivered her little bundle of joy today. Little "Baby Boy X" was born today at 4:12. He weighed in at at a hefty 8 lbs 3 oz and was 20 inches. I say hefty because if you've seen Maryanne with her baby belly, you would think the kid could not have been more than 5 or 6 pounds. I don't know how she has these big babies! Good coloring and some hair to boot too.
Oh, and if you asking why I refer to him as Baby Boy X, it's because the name is still up for discussion. I'm sure the kiddo will have a name soon though.
The real treat came when I got word that she was in labor in the morning.....I was able to blow off about 5 hours of meetings to be her labor coach. Not a bad trade off if you ask me. (Now keep in mind that being a good labor coach usually means just keeping your mouth shut and not trying to crack jokes before the epidural kicks in.) So I suppose I didn't drive her too crazy as her coach.
And for those of you catching score, there are now 5 cousins on the Tweedy side, all under 3 1/2 years old. Family get togethers will be a little bit fun, and a lot of crazy!! :)

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